Thursday, January 25, 2007

A lesson we need to abide by!

United we stand, Divided we fall is a phrase that has been used in mottos, from nations and states to songs. The basic concept is that unless the people are united and one people, it is easy to destroy them. This is a counter to the maxim 'divide and conquer'. The phrase has been attributed to Aesop.

Our leaders had better wake up a realize that if we don't recognize this policy and abide by it this Iraq fiasco will result in Viet Nam times fifty. The exception will be that our ignorance will result in the invasion of our homes. If we fail in Iraq these zealots will come after us because they will believe we are weak! Wake Up America! I'm a Viet Nam veteran and I questioned our entry into this war but, I know, if we turn tail and run now they will be on us like a honeybee to a fragrant flower and I don't think we, The American People, want that.